Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon Grotnob » Mo 13. Nov 2017, 20:44

Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Hier die Anmeldung für die neue Liga, sowie die Regeln.

1. Postet hier dass ihr mitspielen wollt
2. Wählt eure Fraktion aus und postet sie ebenfalls hier
3. Druckt euch einen Archievementzettel aus (oder nehmt euch welche die im Club ausliegen werden)
4. Schnappt euch einen Gegner und fangt an zu zocken

- 6 Runden, die Strategies findet ihr unten
- Schemes könnt ihr selbst aus GG17 (bzw GG18) auslosen
- Sucht euch einfach aus allen Ligateilnehmern einen Gegner aus und spielt euer Spiel
- Die Runden müssen nicht zwingend chronologisch gespielt werden, jeder Spieler darf aber jede Runde nur 1x spielen.
(es ist z.b. erlaubt dass Spieler A der Runde 1 schon gespielt hat gegen Spieler B ohne Spiel bisher das Spiel Nr. 2 spielt)
- Es ist erlaubt mehrmals gegen den gleichen Gegner spielen, sollte aber sofern möglich vermieden werden (es gibt ein Archievement dafür gegen verschiedene Gegner zu spielen)
- Die gewählte Fraktion ist fest, Master und Crew dürfen für jedes Spiel individuell gewählt werden (auch hier gibt es Archievements, die es sich zu beachten lohnt!)

Vorerst keine, spielt einfach drauf los!
Allerdings werde ich abhängig vom Fortschritt der Liga irgendwann eine Deadline zum Ligaende festsetzen.

Jeder Spieler bekommt für jede Runde Ligapunkte in Höhe seiner erzielten VP.
Zusätzlich bekommt jeder Spieler Ligapunkte für errungene Archievements in Höhe ihres individuellen Wertes.
Der Spieler mit den meisten Ligapunkten gewinnt am Ende.
Unter allen Teilnehmern die am Ende der Liga mindestens die Hälfte der Spiele absolviert haben werde ich ein 16 Player Prizekit aufteilen / verlosen.

Den Archievementzettel sowie die Strategies könnt ihr als pdf auch hier downloaden:


Runde 1:

Supply Wagons
Guns. Ammo. Scrip. Corpses. We can use whatever it's carrying.

Set Up
Before either player deploys models, starting with the second player, each player places one 50mm, Ht 3, blocking, impassable friendly Supply Wagon Marker on their side of the table, anywhere where it is completely in their deployment zone.

This scenario uses Standard Deployment.

Any non-Peon model in base contact with a Supply Wagon Marker may take a (1) Interact action targeting the Marker to push it in any direction, ignoring intervening models. If this Marker would end in Impassable terrain or on top or If this would come into contact with impassable terrain, it stops in base contact with the terrain, if it was a non-Supply Wagon Terrain Marker, remove that marker and continue the push as normal. The distance of the push depends on the size of the model:
• 30mm: Up to 2"
• 40mm: Up to 3"
• 50mm: Up to 4"

Victory Points
At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew gains 1 VP if they have a friendly Supply Wagon at least partially on their opponent's side of the board.

Runde 2:

The Order of the Chimera succeeded in transforming the Self-Righteous Man into a feral beast… but they’ve run into a bit of a problem, namely that the ritual worked a bit too well and now he’s on a rampage. There’s a ritual to temporarily transform him back into a man, but unfortunately, other factions have gotten wind of what happened and have their own rituals to try to return him to his true form…

Set Up
Place a 30mm impassible Wolf Beast Marker in the center of the board..
Players randomly determine Schemes as normal.

This scenario uses Flank Deployment.

Whenever a model ends its Activation within 5” of the Wolf Beast Marker, it must flip a card from the top of its Fate Deck that cannot be cheated.
On a Ram or a Crow, place the Wolf Marker in base contact with the model, then the opponent performs a 3/4/6 damage flip against that model.

At the end of every turn after the first, each Crew scores 1 VP if it has a friendly Scheme Marker within 3” of the Wolf Beast Marker. Then remove every Scheme Marker within 3” of the Wolf Beast Marker.

Runde 3:

A Display of Dominance
Two strange beasts are howling and displaying aggressive behaviour towards each other. Beside them is a heavy cart and a dead body. It seems their handler has met with an unfortunate accident and now lays in pool of his own blood. Fearsome as they are, surely it wouldn’t hurt to keep one as a pet. You just need to convince one of them to come home with you. Maybe if you help one to establish dominance over the other, it’ll be more receptive to your suggestions.

Set Up
No player may hire a Sabertooth Cerberus for this game.
After both players have deployed all their models, each player places a Sabertooth Cerberus in its deployment zone. Players are considered the controller of the Sabertooth Cerberus in their deployment zones for the rest of the game.
Players randomly determine Schemes as normal.

This Scenario uses Close Deployment.

There can be only one! The enemy Sabertooth Cerberus can only be killed by a friendly Sabertooth Cerberus. If a Sabertooth Cerberus would be killed or sacrificed by damage or an effect from a non-Sabertooth Cerberus model, the Sabertooth Cerberus is not killed or sacrificed and heals 1.

The first time the enemy Sabertooth Cerberus is reduced below half of its starting Wounds, earn 1 VP. If the damage was dealt by a friendly Sabertooth Cerberus, earn 1 additional VP.
The first time the enemy Sabertooth Cerberus is killed, earn 1 VP.
If the enemy Sabertooth Cerberus is reduced to 0 Wounds on or before Turn 3, earn 1 additional VP.

Runde 4:

Democrazy in Action
The voting has, admittedly, gotten a bit out of control...

Set Up
Place three Ht 1, impassable, blocking Ballot Box Markers on the centerline, one in the center of the board and two on the centerline, each of them 12" to either side of the board’s center.
Players select Schemes as normal.

This Scenario uses Standard Deployment.

Starting on the second Turn, a model within 1" of a Ballot Box Marker can take a (1) Interact Action to cast a vote for a non-Leader model. If a model that has already voted this Activation tries to vote again, its controller flips over the top card of their deck:
Mask: The vote counts.
Ram or Tome: The vote doesn’t count.
Crow: The model is caught trying to stuff theBallot Box. It suffers 2 damage and becomes Paralyzed, and the vote does not count.
Joker: The vote counts as 2 votes.

At the end of each turn after the second, the model with the most votes is elected into office and is removed from the game. In the event of a tie, every tied model is removed from the game. Each time a model is removed from the game in this way, its controller gains 1 VP.
The number of votes for every model is then set to 0.

Runde 5:

The Self-Righteous Man was captured by the Witch Hunters shortly after disembarking from the train. He protested his treatment, citing his connections with many heads of industry in Malifaux, but his words fell on deaf ears. They threw him into the back of a patrol wagon, locked the doors, and set off to bring him to the Guild Enclave, where he would be dealt with accordingly. Little did the Witch Hunters know that another group was determined to see the Self-Righteous Man walk free that day…

Set Up
Place a 50mm Patrol Wagon marker on the centerline, touching a board edge.
Players select Schemes as normal.

This scenario uses Standard Deployment.

At the end of each turn, the Patrol Wagon Marker moves 7” toward the opposite board edge by the shortest path possible. If the Patrol Wagon comes into contact with a model, it stops moving, then the model suffers 2/4/6 damage and is pushed 3” directly away from the Patrol Wagon Marker. If the Patrol Wagon Marker touches the opposite board edge, it is removed from the game.
Once per game starting on the second turn, a model within 1” of the Patrol Wagon Marker may take a (1) Interact Action to spring the Prisoner from the wagon and place a 30mm Prisoner Marker in base contact with the interacting model. Any model within 2” of the Prisoner Marker may take a (1) Interact Action to push it up to 4” in any direction.

The Crew that springs the Prisoner from the Patrol Wagon scores 2 VP.
At the end of every Turn after the first, each Crew scores 1 VP if they have a friendly model within 2” of the Prisoner Marker.

Runde 6:

An Audience with the Council
The Council is extending its feelers into Malifaux to look for opportunities and talents that can assist them with moving large quantities of soulstones. They have sent an envoy who will be assessing suitable candidates and forwarding their resumes to the Council. Rumour has it that there’s a hefty sum of Scrip to be made, but you’re not the only one eyeing the lucrative job. Looks like you’ll need to demonstrate your capabilities a bit more persuasively…

Set Up
Place a 50mm blocking, impassable Envoy Marker in the centre of the board. This marker counts as Ht2 and may not be moved or removed in any way.
After determining deployment zones but before either player deploys any models, each player takes turns to choose a model and places a 30mm Mysterious Package Marker on the card of the chosen model until both players have placed three markers each (total six).
Players randomly determine Schemes as normal.

This Scenario uses Standard Deployment.

Whenever a model with a Mysterious Package Marker on its card is killed, it places the Mysterious Package Marker in base contact with itself before it is removed from play. A model in base contact with a Mysterious Package Marker can take a (1) Interact Action to place the Mysterious Package Marker on its card.


A model within 1” of the Envoy Marker may take a (1) Interact Action to discard a Mysterious Package Marker on its card and gain 1 VP.


Painting Archiements

Play a game with a painted model that wasn't painted last round of the league. (5x) 1

Play a game with a fully painted crew. 2

Play every game with a fully painted crew. 5

Kill all of your opponents unpainted models. (they must have at least one) 2

Obey a painted model to kill an unpainted model. 2

Playing Archiements

Play round 1 of the league. 1

Play round 2 of the league. 1

Play round 3 of the league. 1

Play round 4 of the league. 1

Play round 5 of the league. 1

Play round 6 of the league. 1

Play against a opponent you haven't played yet in the League. (6x) 1

Win a league game (6x) 1

Crew Building Archiements

Play a game only with models from your master's crew box and his associated characteristic. 3

Play a game without any models from your master's crew box and his associated characteristic. 3

Play a game with no peons or minions in your crew. 2

Play every game of the league with a different master from your faction. 4

Play every game of the league with the same master. 4

Play a game where your crew includes two mercenaries. 1

Play a game with no duplicated models in your crew. (entire game) 2

Play a game with at least 3 copies of the same minion model in your crew. (start of the game) 2

Play a game with a non-mercenary model from another faction in your crew. 1

Play a game where no model in your crew has a soulstone cost of more than 7. 3

Play a game with a crew of no more than 6 models. 3

Play a game where none of the models in your crew has any upgrades. 3

During Game Archiements

Play with both of your schemes announced at the start of the game. 2

Let your opponent pick your schemes. 3

Play a game without using any Soulstones. 3

Give your opponent half your soulstones at the start of the game. 3

Let your opponent deploy your models. 3

Play a game with your hand revealed to your opponent. 3

Go through your deck two full times in one single turn 3

Go any turn but the first without cheating a card. 1

Let your opponent cheat for you with a random card from your hand. 1

Cheat down in a duel (with a model controlled by your opponent) when you had to cheat first. 1

Play a game without cheating any cards. 5

Score a VP on your opponents activation. 2

Discard the Red Joker during the draw phase. 2

Cheat in the Black Joker on a damage flip. 2

Sacrifice an enemy model. 2

Kill an opposing master with a peon model. 2

Kill an enemy model by shooting randomized into engagement. 2

Deal damage to a model equal to, or more than double its wounds total. 2

Kill two or more enemy models with a single attack action. 2

Kill three or more enemy models in a single activation 2

A model in your crew costing 10SS or more lives through the game without making an attack. 2

End the game with more models on the table than you started with. 2

Win a game with no friendly models left on the table. 4

Win a game without killing any of your opponent's models. 4

Win a game without any of your models being killed. 3

Bad things happen Archiements

Flip the Black Joker on an even or positive damage flip. 1

Flip the Black Joker during a damage prevention flip. 1

Lose every initiative flip in a game. 2

Kill your own model by shooting randomized into engagement. 2

Flip the Black and Red Joker on a single flip. 2

Have two different friendly models fail a horror duel during a single turn 2

Lose a game by at least 8 VP. 3

Lose a game with no models left on the table. 3

Malifaux: Fast alles... Prio: Ten Thunders
Blood Bowl: Orks, Dunkelelfen
Freebooters Fate: Söldner, Amazonen
Warhammer 40k: Astra Militarum
Bolt Action: Deutsche
Bushido: Ito Clan
Infinity: ALEPH
The Other Side: Gibbering Hordes
Beiträge: 296
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2016, 12:03
Wohnort: Ludwigshafen

von Anzeige » Mo 13. Nov 2017, 20:44


Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon Grotnob » Mo 13. Nov 2017, 21:09

Bin selbst dabei -> Ten Thunders!

Malifaux: Fast alles... Prio: Ten Thunders
Blood Bowl: Orks, Dunkelelfen
Freebooters Fate: Söldner, Amazonen
Warhammer 40k: Astra Militarum
Bolt Action: Deutsche
Bushido: Ito Clan
Infinity: ALEPH
The Other Side: Gibbering Hordes
Beiträge: 296
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2016, 12:03
Wohnort: Ludwigshafen

Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon Betasec » Di 14. Nov 2017, 08:57

Ach was solls. Mindestens Erfahrung kann ich gewinnen :)

Bin dabei mit Guild

Malifaux, Shadespire, Warhammer 40k: Kill Team, Bushido, Carnevale
Beiträge: 222
Registriert: Mi 11. Nov 2015, 19:41

Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon R3n3 » Di 14. Nov 2017, 09:15

Bin dabei mit arcanists
Mfg René

Meine Systeme: Flames of War ( FoaN, WW II ), Bolt Action, Malifaux, Field of Glory, Saga ( Dark Age und Crusades ), Infinity, Confrontation
Beiträge: 468
Registriert: Di 14. Jul 2015, 21:30
Wohnort: Mutterstadt

Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon abo » Di 14. Nov 2017, 10:10

Anwesend The Neverborn, Collodi ^^ was anderes gibt es im Moment nicht :P


Spielsysteme (aktiv): Freebooter / Malifaux / Saga / Age of Sigmar / Mortheim / Blood Bowl
Spielsysteme (in Ruhe): Infinity / War Zone / Warmachine / Warhammer 40k / Confrontation / Helldorado
Beiträge: 399
Registriert: Di 14. Jul 2015, 08:29

Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon Suboptimum » Fr 17. Nov 2017, 10:38

Bin dabei mit Gremlins
Ich heiße Nico. Ich spiele Malifaux. Guten Tag.
Beiträge: 74
Registriert: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 11:24

Re: Ad Arma Malifaux Liga V3.0

Beitragvon Yvonne » Fr 17. Nov 2017, 13:10

Bin dabei mit Neverborn.
Malifaux: hauptsächlich Ressers (Kirai, Reva, Yan Lo, Molly, Seamus, Nicodem, McM)
Blood Bowl: Khemri
Freebooter's Fate: Bruderschaft
Ninja Allstars: Clan Tanchyo (Luft)
Beiträge: 55
Registriert: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 11:31
Wohnort: Ludwigshafen

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